

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Vampire Dreams

Vampire by Duniax at deviantART

I had a dream he was a vampire,
A blood-sucking assassin
Whose piercing fangs linger at my neck,
Draining my life-force a drop at a time,
Weakening my defenses,
Preparing me for his final treachery.

My eyes flutter back to consciousness
And I feel his breath at my throat,
As another drop of energy leeches away,
The divide between dreams and reality
Blurring just a bit more.


Brian Miller said...

oy....yep...leah wrote similar....there are those that you are better off without for the energy they drain from your life...dreams and reality do blur there for sure...

Semaphore said...

This poem evokes the conundrum put forward by some philosophers about the ambiguity of the real and dream world - but with a horrific twist.

Unknown said...

Great imagery in here. Love how you ended this, such a cool parting thought, one I've always enjoyed, the division and blur between dream and reality, particularly in that reawakening moment. Great read. Thanks

Claudia said...

oh beware of those people that suck every bit of joy, life and energy out of the people they meet...those are the real vampires for sure

Frank Watson said...

Seems that vampire is a little to close for comfort...

Mary said...

Ah yes, sometimes the difference between dream and reality is blurry indeed.

Scarlet said...

The lines between dreams and reality just blurs and scares...though I don't want that vampire dream ~

henry clemmons said...

I;ve felt the same about some women. :)
I like the metaphor of the dream and the realization, slowly draining, of another no where rekationship. My take anyway. Excellente write.

De Jackson said...

Love this, Mary, especially that last line.

Unknown said...

That last line is a killer, so to speak :)

The divide between dreams and reality
Blurring just a bit more.

For I think this is one of the more essential aspects of the vampire myth, that interplay between dream and reality, possibility/actuality. The vampire oftem epitomizes those oarts of our human selves that we might desire but reality disallows it. Your poem is a great way to recognize that actuality.

Susie Clevenger said...

Dreams that are so real..scary. I have had them...but none about a vampire...nice work

Daydreamertoo said...

Sometimes difficult to wake up properly from those type of dreams too.
Scary! Well written :)