

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Helpful Hint

Photo from Google Images

For those young men seeking romance,
Good looks don't just happen by chance.
If you want to impress,
I cannot overstress:
Remember to pull up your damned pants!

~~~ This was written for the prompt from Imaginary Garden with Real Toads asking us to write about our pet peeve.  I can’t even begin to tell you how crazy sagging pants make me!  I’m also linking this up for Open Link Monday over at IGWRT since I’m just a wee bit late with this offering.


Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

Cracked me up!! Or down I suppose--as is appropriate to your picture---I am also bugged by this bit of fashionista thinking

Laura said...

My teenage daughters hardily agree... me too!!!

Grace said...

It annoys me too...but these young ones have a different definition of dressing up ~

Have a good day ~

Mary said...

Mary, so very true! There is nothing at ALL attractive about such attire! Thanks for doing my 'pet peeve' prompt....

Ella said...

lol, so fun to read! I got a kick out of this one! I agree...

Jinksy said...

I'm puzzled by the Pants generation, too! Makes me want to yank the pants to the floor- that'd give 'em something to think about!!!

Margaret said...

Yes!! I gawk when I drive by a few high schools. It drives me CRAZY too! love this.

Jack Edwards Poetry said...

Haha, great limerick :)

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I LOVED this, and That "Look" drives me crazy, you just want to yank them up.........a fourteen year old I knew thought twice when I pointed out he had to walk like a toddler with a dirty diaper when his pants were that low, in order to hold them up - not quite the cool image he hoped to project. It is NOT a good look!